School intern Jacob Liebl roasting coffee. Photo: © WEBER Packaging GmbH, 2020
Jacob Liebl, a 15-year-old student of the Fritz-Ulrich Community School in Heilbronn, is currently spending his one-week school internship with us. Among other things, he learned how to roast green coffee to roasted coffee on a so-called shop or shop roasting machine. The special feature: it stands on a large smoke filter which ensures clean room air.
I never knew roasting coffee was so easy
– Jacob Liebl
His class teacher was able to convince himself of the fact that Jacob is really learning something very practically during a personal visit to our house last Wednesday.
In a feedback session lasting around 30 minutes, which took place in the meeting room of WEBER Packaging GmbH, he noticed quite quickly that Jacob is in good hands and very well integrated in the team of our WEBER family - at least temporarily.
Corporate Communications
In order to write this blog post in particular, Ingo H. Klett, who is responsible for corporate communications at this innovative medium-sized company, conducted a personal interview with Jacob Liebl and explained to him various methods of editorial research and retrievable information that enhance the news value of a post.
Likewise, Jacob was shown examples of press photos such as his own (shown above) to explain the copyright of the photographer as well as the right to his own picture, the meaning of a caption in this respect or what a model release means in comparison.
Theory and practice
In the meantime the inquisitive young man knows that the term communication comes from Latin and is derived from 'communicatio' (lat. for: communication). And that it refers to the exchange or transmission of information which can take place in various ways and or by various means.
Expressed through language and writing, a defined typography as well as images intended for publication such as photos, graphics or illustrations.
Be authentic
The proverbial good reputation, namely maintaining one's 'image' as an individual, institution or company, explains Klett, can best be maintained in communication by telling third parties as exactly as possible "what someone is". And so today, a good-humoured Jacob Liebl leaves us after a successfully completed school internship, not least with the knowledge that 'image' means not least the image that you form of someone.
From Jacob we have - this still as feedback maybe - a very very good one :-)