Targeted conservation of resources
Taken at M-Store in 10245 Berlin – normally has her collection at home. There the Berlin fashion label presents itself Doublethewears together with other curated fashion that is fairly produced or handmade or comes from vintage collections of independent international designers.
Nina Julia Walter, the owner of Doublethewears, sees her work as a triad of I for innovation, S for sustainability and D for design.. And so, under her aegis, numerous garments with real added value are created, in small numbers, genuinely handmade and as a reinterpretation of multifunctional fashion.
Aspect flexibility
The patented "Twock", which is a bag, vest and skirt at the same time, as well as the "Flexishirt" are part of her overall flexible way of thinking and approach. The main idea is to create the highest possible variability of wearing possibilities with only a few pieces of clothing.
Sustainability – this is how Nina Julia Walter understands this aspect in her role as a fashion designer:
"Scarcity of raw materials is a great challenge for designers. My 'FLEXIBLE FASHION' line is prevention instead of recycling. I like the fact that the grass paper cup also specifically conserves resources by using grass or hay as a completely new raw material. My cooperation with WEBER Packaging GmbH should continue this idea.”
We too believe that time demands a new approach to sustainability in fashion, product design and elsewhere. We need innovative products that are the result of sensible use of materials and clever processing.
The so-called pop-up boxes in the Bikini Berlin. Photo: © Bikini Berlin, 2018
Presentation and party at BIKINI BERLIN
Doublethewears is now presenting its flexible and thus resource-saving fashion in the Bikini Berlin Pop-up Boxes No. 8 and 9 on the ground floor of the Conceptmall for a whole month up to and including Friday, September 21, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CET) during Bikini Berlin opening hours. Among other things the Never-out-of-stock (NOS) standard collection, which is always available.
The Doublethewears collections mainly consist of 100 percent cotton as well as fairware and ÖKOTEX certified textiles or fabrics. At half time on Thursday, 13 September 2018, the so-called Flexible Fashion Party will take place from 6 pm (CET) in, around and around the Bikini Berlin Pop-up Boxes No. 8 and 9 on the ground floor. With famous models, fashion and maybe you as the party lions. The new collection 2018/2919 called GREEN BERLIN will be presented live.
Fashion Week Berlin
The Graspapierbecher was already allowed to the Berlin Fashion Week. At the beginning of July 2018 with Nina Julia Walter and team, get a taste of fashion and media attention in social media. At this point, thank you again for the successful cooperation!
Especially the photo works on and from the Panorama Berlin – a special exhibition format –were realized by Simon Keller for © Doublethewears.