Icon 'brain': licensed for © WEBER Packaging GmbH, 2020
Nick from Nizza likes Pizza
How nice that would rhyme, but Nick Zelazny (21) comes from Heilbronn. As 'Media Designer - Digital and Print', he has already been strengthening our team for a few weeks with design and commercial tasks.
The enthusiastic hobby photographer, who also has a passion for online media / computer / IT, image processing and hifi, dedicates half of his time to each of the two aforementioned full-time jobs.
But for the time being he would rather not have his portrait taken with our camera. That's why here and in the WEBER Family Gallery the icon of a brain as a placeholder adorns "his" motif for the time being.
But maybe we can change his mind by helping him a little bit: his favorite dish is - as he tells us - "Pizza Salami" :)