Nowhere else do people drink so much cafe as much as in the bakery

Press release

Many see things in the black for nothing: Sophisticated coffee concepts ensure rising sales again and enable targeted expansion

Stuttgart, 26.10.2016 (wbp) - In Hall 7 at Stand C12, the official stand of bfm Ladenbau GmbH at südback 2016, WEBER Packaging GmbH from Güglingen explained the use of self-roasted speciality coffee as a sales accelerator and expansion factor every day from Saturday to Tuesday, 22 to 25 October 2016.

Declining operating results in the bakery sector need not be the case. In an ever tighter market for bakery products and many interchangeable products, new concepts are required. Because even the discounters already offer coffee-to-go. It's all about addressing the customer emotionally, says Stephan Weber, Managing Director Sales at WEBER Packaging GmbH. Why should you buy coffee as a bakery in the first place? It would be better to roast it yourself, and thus specifically arouse emotions in the shop. Show competence. Anyone who thinks that getting started is highly complex and difficult can now be proven wrong and convinced otherwise. It is definitely possible to expand your own position as a bakery by using coffee as a stimulant.

Strengthen position

According to Stephan Weber's experience, it is precisely the customer loyalty already existing in the bakery business in combination with the added value achieved by having its own roasting plant that does the main work within the framework of a successful expansion or in expanding its own market position vis-à-vis competitors. His conclusion: "The dough and coffee competence lies undisputedly with the baker!

Know set screws

As a customer's length of stay increases and decreases, so does their average per capita turnover: the longer a customer stays in your store, the more they will buy. The aim must therefore be to increase the length of time they stay in your store.

We learn from the United States that all offers at the customer's point of purchase should ideally be "entertaining, inspiring and educational" so that they are addressed at every level - in other words, entertaining, inspiring and instructive at the same time.

Ingo H. Klett, coffeologist and Head of Corporate Communications at WEBER Packaging GmbH: "We achieve entertaining quality on the one hand by the fact that our coffee cups and valve bags can be designed individually for the customer as shelf goods, but also all other packaging materials. Whether it's to establish their own brand or coffee label or to organise special events: we make it possible."

If a bakery combines this customized trend with additionally changing coffee varieties (umgspr.: sorts) and recipes, it establishes its brand or label permanently on the market in its catchment area.

Outstanding unique selling proposition

Those who roast their coffee themselves profit economically from large margins between the purchase and sales price per unit, adds Stephan Weber to his personal experience from consulting numerous market participants in the coffee business.

But even more important to the coffee connoisseurs from the Swabian Tuscany seems to be the reference to the outstanding unique selling proposition, which one acquires by such an own production: In markets that are becoming increasingly confusing, in which food discounters already offer their own baked goods and coffee-to-go concepts in the prepayment area - food retailers, bakers and confectioners who know something about roasting and are happy to do their own work are a worthwhile goal for every customer.

In order to ensure that repeat visits of this kind generate sales, the coffee experts from Güglingen recommend changing the offers regularly and adapting varieties or recipes to the seasons, seasons or occasions of a region. So coffee as a stimulant offers enough inspiration. This can be experienced at the latest when bakeries demonstrate this in a user-oriented and very practical way in the shop or show it on social media channels: Specially produced specialities with a high standard, which you as a customer can taste at any time.

Coffee Sommelier

The corresponding workshops and courses are then instructive, in which a customer can get a very personal impression of the situation at the bakery. In order to communicate precisely this advantage in terms of personnel, WEBER Packaging GmbH also employs a coffeologist. As a Certified Barista Level I and II of the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE), he is not only at the sieve support but, thanks to his comprehensive training at Europe's most important coffee school - the Coffee Consulate in Mannheim - he is also familiar with all the essential factors relating to the cultivation, harvesting and preparation of the coffee plants, as well as those relating to roasting, packaging, maturing in valve bags and preparation.

Concentrated coffee expertise

As an official partner of the Coffee Consulate in Mannheim, WEBAcoffea, as a separate business unit of WEBER Packaging GmbH, offers a whole cornucopia of live entertainment with all the senses for bakeries that are now focusing on coffee as a trendy product.

Such approaches can be implemented quickly and easily, for example in the course of in-house seminars and tastings. The proximity of coffee in particular has proven to be a trend product compared to other luxury foods: Experience has shown that lovers of wine, chocolate, cigars, whisky or other delicacies have no problem in applying their own experience of consuming such things to selected speciality coffees. After all, wine in particular is regarded as the benchmark for aromas, terroir, microclimate and much more – which can also be found in coffe

Free 1-day workshop in Europe's most important coffee school

WEBER raffled every day among all visitors who threw their business card into the lottery box in hall 7 at stand no. C12 – the official stand of bfm Ladenbau GmbH – until 17:00 CET. Each visitor received a voucher for a free visit to a one-day coffee workshop in Europe's most important coffee school, the Coffee Consulate in Mannheim.

The four winners were communicated one after the other on the official WEBER Facebook company page.

In the run-up to the trade fair, WEBER Packaging GmbH had already informed almost one thousand company contacts by e-mail about this opportunity and invited them to take part.

Easy to implement

The WEBER added value: The WEBAroast concept was developed to have everything you need at hand for roasting, packaging, selling and preparing speciality coffees: From green coffee from direct trade to the fully automatic shop roaster and smoke filter to packaging and consumables, everything has been thought of. The comprehensive know-how of Stephan Weber, Managing Director Sales, with regard to shop fitting and the technical expertise of the company's own coffeologist Ingo H. Klett should also be of particular interest to customers.

Strong partnerships

WEBER Packaging GmbH has been cooperating directly with Dr. Steffen Schwarz, the owner and head of Europe's most important coffee school, the Coffee Consulate in Mannheim, for many years. With the company Naturback on the occasion of südback 2016 and beyond, especially in food concepts for bakeries & confectioneries. According to Stephan Weber, it is particularly important here to help bakeries and confectioners to gain even more gastronomic expertise than before. In order to become a full-day supplier.

Exhibition stand & general information

Against the background of his many years of culinary contacts and speaker activities, as well as his profound training as a coffeologist, the company's own coffeologist Ingo H. Klett acted as ambassador for WEBER Packaging GmbH for the best possible coffee taste.

Daily program for users and 'makers

Daily live roasting at the stand: Small samples of roasted coffee could be taken along in the original WEBAbag Hot stamping coffee bag.

Besides the possibility to taste and try a café créme and an espresso variety as a coffee speciality roasted by us, the preparation was demonstrated by the example of the reproducible quality of a fully automatic coffee machine. A general bar as well as the creative snacks from business partner Naturback as a constant catering offer at and during the trade fair were an excellent way to entertain visitors to the stand.

WEBAroast all-round carefree package

The WEBER roasting machine works exclusively with 2-kilo batches and achieves reproducible roasting results in one and the same quality every time. This is done completely smoke-free by means of a permanently installed chimney or a mobile smoke eliminator. In addition, both units can be operated fully automatically without the need for specialist personnel.

Beyond the fair

Anyone who wants to expand their love of speciality coffee or their first young interest in the coffee plant as a trendy culinary product after südback 2016 and experience it emotionally will now have the opportunity to do so regularly after the end of the trade fair for the first time with the new WEBER Office in the building of the Coffee Consulate in Mannheim: Since the beginning of September 2016, the coffee-savvy part of the WEBER staff has been offering all interested parties, users and experts numerous services relating to information procurement, individual requests for quotations and also a direct ordering option.

If desired, this can also be done differently from the restriction to WEBAcoffea articles from the entire WEBER range.

As a rule of thumb: The WEBER Office Mannheim is always occupied when individual workshops or seminars are held in Europe's most important coffee school. Whether 'Meet The Manufacturer', 'Roaster Meeting' or 'Coffeologist Meeting' – on each of these dates a competent contact person is available on site for these services.


WEBER Packaging GmbH has been developing, designing, supplying and selling packaging and packaging solutions for the food industry since 1972. Since 2012 it has been the sales partner of Coffee-Tech Engineering Ltd. for the Solar Shop Roaster and the Avirnaki Smoke Eliminator. On the occasion of the World of Coffee Nice 2013, she received an award as 'Highly Commended – Best In-Store Product or Service' at the New Product of the Show Awards for her completely new roasting concept for self-roasting selected speciality coffees.

With its commitment to the coffee business – the second largest world trade market after mineral oil – WEBER Packaging GmbH emphatically underpins its claim to continue its success story as a think tank and competence centre for user-specific sales concepts for food products. Today, its discerning clientele includes around 80 percent of the food retail trade (LEH) and many successful customers from the entire food industry throughout Europe. These include numerous innovative bakeries, butchers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, leisure parks and food trucks.
