Coffee roasters for beginners and shop roasters
Coffee roasters who produce smaller quantities of speciality coffee in addition to their larger roasting batches already know about the advantages of the WEBER shop roaster. The shop roaster works with a smart roasting software that delivers fully automatic, reproducible roasting results at all times - without the need for specialist staff with many years of training. Especially for passionate connoisseurs of chocolate, cigars, whisky or rum who have developed a love for the trend product coffee but do not yet have any roasting knowledge, the WEBAroast all-inclusive package is the best choice.
Several WEBER shop roasters placed side by side as roasting line.
Roasting in a smart way
The WEBER shop roaster works fully automatically and therefore does not require any specialist personnel. As a completely smoke-free device, it can either be permanently installed and connected to a chimney or, in combination with the WEBER smoke eliminator, it can be used as a completely self-sufficient mobile unit at any desired location in the world. This is the first time that a simple roasting concept in the sense of the plug-and-play concept can be easily integrated into your daily business.
Unpack, plug in power cable... off you go!
The SOLAR-II - recognizable as a specific model by the green starter button. Photo: © Coffee-Tech Engineering Ltd., 2020
The AVIRNAKI smoke elimination system. Photo: © Coffee-Tech Engineering Ltd., 2020
The WEBER shop roaster is called Solar. A derivation of the Latin term for 'belonging to the sun' or 'derived from the sun'.
The Israeli term Avirnaki, which is used to describe the WEBER smoke eliminator, seems somewhat more sophisticated. It roughly translates as 'clean air', which also corresponds to its function.